Experiments in the Mango Orchard

Jan 31, 2025 · Pictures by Ami Grossman

For over two years, we have been trying different crops in the Mango orchard to address the gaps of diversity and optimum land utilisation in this more than 80 year old orchard of over 400 mango trees. In 2023, we pruned the mangoes in one section heavily to rejuvenate them. As the space in between was now open to the Sun, we started planting turmeric, pumpkin and brinjal.

Ash and Neem leaves
Ash and Neem leaves are added around the young Pumpkin plants to protect them from Red-gourd-beetle.
planting Sunflower
Sunflowers are being planted in the hedges for diversity and for more food for the bees.
Turmeric planted
Turmeric planted in between the mango trees in May 2024 is now ready for harvest.
Pumpkin seeds saved from the farm being sown
Channels being irrigated in preparation for Pumpkin planting